Mostafa Efafi

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Flutter Developer (Android,iOS)

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All the programs will be made with Flutter technology, this technology is very new and is supported by Google, the strengths of Flutter can be mentioned the high execution speed of the program, the beauty of the user interface, support for hardware and Google services. It also outputs programs made by Flutter, with a single source, for Android, ios, web application (pwa), windows, Linux, macOs platforms. The big difference between Flutter and other previous frameworks, such as React native, is that it has its own visual engine. Thanks to this engine written based on Chrome's Skia engine, developers can render their applications more stable and stable.

* It should be noted, the speed of program development with Flutter technology is between 4 and 10 times faster than development with native languages, so it saves time and money for organizations.
Flutter, React Native, Xamarin progress and epidemic chart in Google Trends: Google Trends

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